So join us this Festive Season in offering a smile and happy greeting to not just our friends but passers-by, especially those walking alone. A little Christmas kindness costs nothing yet gladdens each participant’s heart.
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Wishing Our Readers Festive Cheer
So join us this Festive Season in offering a smile and happy greeting to not just our friends but passers-by, especially those walking alone. A little Christmas kindness costs nothing yet gladdens each participant’s heart.
Friday, 18 December 2020
A Chance to Meet Fellow Authors
Bridge House Publishing |
Bridge House Publishing, a small independent publisher specialising in anthologies, has always organised get-togethers for its authors.
Face to face meetings now being impossible, it recently invited contributors to the Transformations anthology to a Zoom meeting. Instead of getting to know each other over sandwiches in a pub, we raised a glass at home to the book's success. The camera allowed us to put faces to names. After exchanging snippets of news, we tested our wits in a literary quiz and listened to some authors reading their work. A welcome initiative in these strange times.
Transformations is available in paperback from Amazon.
Madeleine McDonald
Friday, 11 December 2020
NaNoWriMo - how was it for you?
The National November Writing Month descended again. Last time I turned around, it was March, so how come it was suddenly November?
My writing activity has not been stellar in this year of lockdowns. I think many writers have suffered this malaise. Initially, we all probably thought we would be able to sit down and devote the time we were normally out and about to writing. But it hasn't turned out like that.
And that's where NaNoWriMo has been a godsend for me. I thought at one point about giving up writing completely, but, again, like many other writers, it isn't only habit that sends us to our desk and keyboard, it is an internal need to tell the stories that teem in our heads. Every day away from my desk is a day when I feel I am not doing my job, leaving me with a melancholy regret. But I had lost my mojo.
I decided to do NaNoWriMo to regain that discipline of sitting down every day and banging out words. Because that is what NaNo is all about. Banging out the words, taking yourself on a white-hot ride and not worrying if you have just used the correct word. You've used the word that will probably be changed when you edit, but you've said what you wanted to say quickly. NaNo is about speed.
I managed just over 60,000 words by 30th November, writing two-thirds of the latest Georgia Pattison mystery Who Wants To Live Forever. And if you want to know a bit more about Georgia's latest adventure, you can read about it on my blog -
You can read more about April Taylor here:
Monday, 28 September 2020
Virtual HumberSFF #7 – The Social On Your Sofa
Hornsea Writers member Shellie Horst not only writes and reviews Speculative Fiction but organises HumberSFF. Under its umbrella she facilitates its twice yearly “Socials” – free mini Litfests – inviting authors from around the country to visit the Humber region to talk about and read from their work.
This being Covid year, face-to-face events are no longer an option. Not to be daunted, Shellie organised HumberSFF’s first Virtual Social via Google Meet. Participants and attendees alike sat in their own comfy chairs, grabbed a beverage of choice, and for nigh on three hours enjoyed a series of readings, Q&A sessions, and hearing the inspiration and working practices of the four authors. If you weren’t there you missed a treat, and much inspiration.
Keith W Dickinson brings his love of Steampunk and Crime together with a wry sense of humour in Dexter & Sinister: Detecting Agents. A liking for mechanical cats is not obligatory.
Shona Kinsella writes both Fantasy and Science Fantasy. Her current work, a novella The Flame and the Flood will soon be followed by a reissue of her Fantasy trilogy The Vessel of Kaladene.
Joe Hakim is a performance poet, a broadcaster, a writer in residence. His Science Fiction/Horror novel The Community is set firmly in Hull.
Tim Major is a prolific writer of works that cover the full gamut of Speculative Fiction. Hope Island leans towards Supernatural Mystery. Beware of singing caves.
As ever with HumberSFF’s Socials, there was a free book raffle. Four lucky attendees are currently awaiting delivery of their chosen titles, ably facilitated by the independent bookshops who stepped up to help out:
JE Books of Hull : The Portal Bookshop, York : The Rabbit Hole, Brigg
Thanks to everyone who contributed. HumberSFF’s Socials are not recorded. You have to be there, virtual or not, so Follow the Website to receive notification of the next.
Friday, 18 September 2020
When "How to" becomes "How NOT to"
All writers know that the more they
write, the more they will improve. But sometimes this quest for perfection can
prove to be a trap. Let me tell you my experience.
I have around 14 titles in the
virtual world, but, like most writers, I am always looking to improve how and
what I write. But sometimes, the quest to achieve this can stop you in
your tracks. By which, I mean “how to write your book”
books/articles/blogs/courses and the like.
After I had written 10 or so books
and novellas, I wanted to try and refine my writing process. And so I began
what has been a two-year journey to find that perfect method, and believe
me there are thousands of self-help books etc. out there. This begs the
question as to why there are so many. I am afraid to say that my cynical
answer is that the authors of these books will probably earn far more from their
self-help books than they do from their own creative writing because these
books feed a need in authors to improve, but they also feed our inbuilt insecurity in our
own abilities. I know that I could quite easily teach a 10-week writing course
for students at my local college. And I also know that if I did so, I would
earn so much more from that than I do from my crime books.
The sad truth is, that after two
years of searching for perfection, my writing has dwindled to a struggling nothing. Some days every
word is like wading through treacle. It seems the more articles/books I read and try to incorporate into my writing process, the deeper the
quicksand becomes. I have now called a halt to reading all these “improvement” books.
And do you know why? Because I know how I write my books. I know what my
process is, what works best for me.
After much deliberation, I've decided I must reacquaint myself with the way I used to write in order to be able to keep on writing – find again that wonderful joy in my craft I seem to have lost. I do not decry any self-help books and articles. And I think, even for the seasoned writer I now realise I am, they can prove useful for the odd nugget of information. But for me, they made me question my own ability to write and that is what has stopped me writing.
I must find my old inventiveness, the one that
isn’t lashed to a someone else's structure, but a structure that works for me. The
problem writers have is that people can tell you but you can write until
they are blue in the face. This is the same for many professions but especially
the creative ones and, having been a serious singer for most of my life, I can tell
you we creatives are all insecure creatures who don’t believe we can do
anything well.
I have decided I am neither a plotter nor a pantser but a hybrid. Instinctively, I start with what-if? Then I find my characters and get to know who they are. I put them into my what-if situation. I already know what the end will be. In fact, after writing four or five chapters, my default was to write the last chapter. I will go back to that.
What happens between those five
chapters and the end is, as I have often said, like a roadmap. I want to get
from London to Edinburgh, but my characters decide which route I will take. I
also use index cards to denote the towns – i.e. significant events - I must drive
through in order to reach Edinburgh.
My objective is to publish three titles by
Christmas 2020. Long Shadows is written and in process of being edited. Loyalty in Conflict has been messed about with so much in the past two years that I am now at the stage where I have ripped it apart and am
rewriting huge tranches of it. The third will be the farewell George Pattison Mystery,
where she marries her beloved Sir Edward Broome, but of course, there’s just
the little matter of a murder along the way.
Next year I intend to start a new
crime series set around the northern UK town of Guisborough. It will be crime with
a paranormal element. It will also be very interesting to see how fast I write
it going back to my method. Watch this space.
can read more about April Taylor here:
Friday, 4 September 2020
Making the Most of a Windswept Book Launch
It was the August Bank Holiday weekend in the coastal town of Hornsea. After the long Covid-19 lockdown the town was open for business, visitors were streaming in, and Saturday was the date of the Artists’ Fair in the garden behind The Townhouse gift shop.
It was also the launch for Book 2 in my Yorkshire historical series, The Story of Reighton: New Arrivals. What could possibly go wrong?
As can be seen from the photograph below there is no accounting for the British weather. Sun-tops were out; big jumpers and wet weather gear was in.
I was sharing an open-sided tent with a photographer and a young couple selling slate and glass art. Before we’d officially started, the photographer and I each had to grasp a tent pole to stop them flying out of their sockets in the strong gusts of wind. This was a recipe for disaster. Guy-ropes were being shaken free of their pins. And then it started raining, the spray covering our wares.
Desperate measures were needed. So, trying not to stand on any flowers in the nearby border, I climbed through the shrubs, guy-ropes in hand, to find something a little more secure to fasten them to. A nearby tree seemed sturdy enough, but throughout the afternoon I still kept a hand on a shuddering tent pole, just in case, and only dare let go to sign copies of my novel.
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Me in red making the most of it |
Did the weather keep people away? To my astonishment, no. And much to my surprise I sold 20 copies. The day was well worth the effort and it was great to meet and chat with readers.
Joy Stonehouse
Book 1: Witch-bottles and Windlestraws (A Story of Reighton, Yorkshire 1703 to 1709)
Book 2: New Arrivals in Reighton (A Story of Reighton, Yorkshire 1709 to 1714)
Friday, 28 August 2020
Short stories for radio
Covid-19 has seen radio listening increase. Whether they are decorating the dining room, sewing on buttons, or simply washing up, people have rediscovered the joy of radio. Unlike the hypnotic flickering of a television screen, radio makes for interesting company, whatever the task.
Covid-19 has also opened up opportunities for radio writers. BBC Radio Leeds has an on-going call for short stories suitable for a mid-morning audience. Two of my stories, Tickety Boo and The Marriage of True Minds, were recently broadcast on Radio Leeds, and were posted on the catch-up site BBC Sounds.
Both pieces had been published before, but needed tweaking for radio, since hearing words is not the same as reading them.
Make yourself a cup of tea, click on the links below, and enjoy.
Madeleine McDonald
Friday, 21 August 2020
Do you have the Audacity to accept the Audio Challenge?
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Screen shot of 'Scent of the Boggel-Mann' reading |
It was supposed to be a video, not audio, of me reading an excerpt from one of my stories, but when I ran back the test piece… Well, it could have frightened the horses. Or at least created the sort of social media sensation no one in their right mind wants hounding them to the grave.
I’d been asked to provide a five minute videoed reading as one of the fillers for this year’s virtual FantastiCon. Time was running out. What could I do except regret that I wouldn’t be contributing?
My email had hardly been Sent when the response came in: they’d accept audio. Oh dear… or words to that effect. If I tried to back out a second time I’d never be asked again. There are times when a woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do, and this was one of them.
A while ago I’d read up about Audacity, a free. open source, cross-platform audio software package, but I’d looked no further than its rave reviews. I refound its page, took a breath, and hit Download.
What occurred during that single afternoon you can read about HERE. What it opened up was a whole new world of opportunity. When all you need is a little audacity, never be afraid of taking up a challenge.
Just not video.
Linda Acaster
Saturday, 8 August 2020
Hornsea Writers showcased at virtual event
At this time of year, several Hornsea Writers would usually be heading for Fantastic Books Publishing's FantastiCon convention. The pandemic has put paid to a physical gathering, but there will be a virtual event on 15th and 16th August where six new books will be launched.
Although no Hornsea Writer members have books launched at this event, their work will be showcased, so please call in and expect to hear from Linda Acaster, Stuart Aken, Penny Grubb, Shellie Horst and maybe more.
The virtual FantastiCon schedule is HERE.
The event will be streamed on Twtich TV HERE.
For mini reviews on each of FantastiCon 2020's launch books, click HERE.
Friday, 31 July 2020
Republishing with Kindle Direct Publishing
Friday, 24 July 2020
Diversions from writing: the humble cucumber
Friday, 17 July 2020
Hitting the Target
My way of working is to write long, then cut back, checking the word count each time I delete or rephrase. My reward is to save the document with a smirk of triumph. Done it again.
Friday, 10 July 2020
If you can't say something nice ... become an editor
Friday, 3 July 2020
Free LitFests from the comfort of your armchair

For the writer and the reader the Society of Authors has run a series of Afternoon Tea With… as well as useful talks on marketing for writers. Lockdown Litfest is currently showcasing talks with authors, and York Festival of Ideas took its annual festival online with talks on a wide range of subjects. All of these and many more are free to view. Others, Jericho Writers, being one, are paid events.
It was while trawling the site of York Festival of Ideas, that Linda Acaster came across a talk by writer Edoardo Albert and York archaeologist Paul Gething: Warrior: A Life of War in Anglo-Saxon Britain centreing on a cemetery dig just outside the walls of Bamburgh Castle. It turned out to be so entertaining that she is currently devouring the book.
Friday, 19 June 2020
The slash and burn stage of editing
I’ve written enough over the years that even when a novel is
just an embryo idea, I know how long the finished book will be.
My idea for Boxed In, due out later in the year, was always a book of under 100,000 words, so when the first draft came in at 140,000, the serious editing hat had to come out.
The editing journey was a slash-and-burn fest – CLICK HERE for some more detail on nuances, twists and the ghost of a children’s book.
The end result of the initial charge through all 140k words,
wielding the newly sharpened editing pen, was an uncannily accurate match to my
original prediction – a book of exactly 99,999 words.
Boxed In is the latest book in Penny Grubb's Annie Raymond series,
following on from Falling into Crime,
Where There’s Smoke,
Buried Deep and Syrup Trap City.
Friday, 12 June 2020
Guest Blogging – how to help you and your host
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Header image from the post on Sharon Booth's website |
Blogging has more depth, each post a dedicated URL, and that URL can be highlighted via social media months after the post has gone live. This is why blog tours are arranged for launching titles, not just to give an initial boost but to provide content for future promotion. Yet guest posts don’t have to be reserved for new titles.
Hornsea Writers member Linda Acaster has accepted a guest spot on Sharon Booth’s website. Both write Romance, but Sharon writes Contemporary RomComs and Linda writes Historical Drama so their readers don’t necessarily overlap.
‘I knew I’d need to be light-hearted in my approach, both to appeal to Sharon’s readership and to fit with the tone of her blog,’ Linda says. ‘Beneath The Shining Mountains is set among Native North Americans of the early 19th century so I also wanted to convey more detailed information, in this case about their decoration techniques.’
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Moccasins with porcupine quill decoration 1882 |
The answer was to write an associate post on her own blog, linking in to Sharon’s and linking Sharon’s into hers.
‘I approached Sharon first, obviously, and she thought it an excellent idea.’ It also meant that both websites get extra links which help in search engines searches.
A win-win.
Friday, 5 June 2020
Adventures using dictation - April Taylor on talking to herself.
Basically, I decided to switch from Apple to Windows, purely so that I could use Dragon Naturally Speaking. Since I took this decision at the beginning of the year, my writing life has been...let's say up and down!
I had used the integral dictation software in Word, Google docs etc. and some free and very cheap software packages. My experience was less than stellar and not good for my blood pressure. They may be fine for general emails, but writing an entire book. Certainly not. The decision to change took a long time and I was very conflicted by how much it was going to cost. But the time came when it was almost change or stop altogether. That was not viable.

I made the change. Yes, it has been a tad bumpy at times, especially because I write historical crime, which has a whole different vocabulary, even as far as names of characters. And, now, of course, I can dictate on the move and Dragon transcribes my recordings. The landscape in which I now live has inspired the new series I am writing and when you see one photo of it, you will understand why. The freedom to stand in the midst of it and dictate what I see, hear etc. has brought a new dimension to my writing.
You can read about my journey so far here:
Friday, 8 May 2020
What did you write during the Lockdown, Mummy?
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Courtesy Steve Bidmead via Pixabay |
The UK’s version of Lockdown began 23 March, bringing with it initial food shortages due to panic-buying. But this soon gave way to a resurrection of the type of ‘Wartime Spirit’ the vast majority of the population has never experienced. People speak to one another in the street, if socially distanced, and everyone now knows their neighbours through the Thursday evening Clap for Carers.
Being in Lockdown was expected to prove a boon for members of Hornsea Writers. With no outside appointments shouldering into our writing time, words were going to flood from our fingers. It isn’t quite working out like that.
There seems to be a lot of long-postponed DIY being undertaken, but at least Madeleine McDonald emailed her publisher the typescript of her Romance before taking up a brush to paint the skirting boards. Linda Acaster hasn’t that excuse, leaving a Crime novelette and a Western to their own devices while she embarks on the sort of spring cleaning even her grandmother fought shy of.
In April Taylor’s household a sewing machine has taken prominence, no matter the two Historicals in various stages of editing, and the research for another begging to be started. The new office curtains look good though, and clothing destined for a charity shop have been given a new lease of life with some judicial cut and paste-- sorry, cut and sew.
Some of us, of course, don’t have excuses as much as priorities. All hope of writing fiction migrates to a Lost World when home schooling collides with home working and being the shopper for vulnerable relatives. Even living in a three-generational household doesn’t necessarily help. Penny Grubb caught herself making up the spare bed rather than tackle the current Crime novel, though she couldn't quite work out who she was expecting to stay.
And what is this need to bake? Throughout the country flour is a mere ghost on supermarket shelves, whereas there’s plenty of ready-made cakes and bread to be bought. Gardening has a definite pull on us all, perhaps to put a bit of space between us and those we live with, now on a 24 hour basis. Stuart Aken has retreated to his office space, not to tackle his latest Science Fiction epic but to immerse himself in learning new photographic software. He didn’t mention whether he was also baking bread, though we all agree there's something comforting about its smell.
At least one of us has got her act together on this 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe. Annie Wilkinson has already done her bit, and can sit with her tea and scones, surrounded by bunting. Enjoy your own.
Saturday, 25 April 2020
Creative writing advice out of a lockdown project
and some can easily be adapted to suit most creative writing projects, for example:
and some are clearly tailored to a school or college audience, though I hope still with useful advice:
and some are simply fun ways of showing writing techniques in action, including from the late great James Herriot:
Friday, 10 April 2020
Every Breath I Take
Madeleine McDonald
Friday, 27 March 2020
Free Reads for #Covid-19 Isolation
Like other countries in Europe, in the UK we are getting used to life under lockdown: home-schooling, creating new routines, staying two metres apart while outside. But it still means an awful lot of time within our own four walls, and 24-hour television soon palls.
Reading has always been The Great Escape, and Hornsea Writers has some great free reads they want to share. Many people subscribe to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited and here are a few offerings. Links go to the author’s Amazon page unless stated:
April Taylor writes Cosy Crime with a touch of acerbic wit in her Georgia Pattison Mysteries. Georgia is an early-music singer, so giving recitals in cathedrals and the mansions of the aristocracy are her bread and butter. Alas, there always seems to be a body involved. For music lovers all the Georgia Pattison books have links to the music mentioned. She has written a somewhat darker, psychic Crime, The Angel Killer, with a lead character who does not embrace his “gift”, plus a Sherlock Holmes pastiche and a collection of short fiction.
Madeleine McDonald writes long and short fiction. Her Enchantment In Morocco is a heart-warming story of East meets West and the constraints and acceptance of traditions and modernity. Enjoy life in a sun-baked village where lemon trees overhang white-washed walls and olive groves offer shade to working donkeys.
Linda Acaster writes mythic fantasy and chillers, but also has two historical romances in Kindle Unlimited. There is the ‘sweet’ Mediaeval Hostage of the Heart set in 1066 on the English-Welsh borderlands, full of intrigue and derring-do, and the ‘sensual’ Native American Beneath The Shining Mountains set in a time when European encroachment was mere rumour.
Shellie Horst was one of the principal movers behind Distaff, an anthology of eclectic stories from women writers. It has been very well received, not least for the cover art which Shellie created. Anthologies and collections are always good for readers short of time, enabling them to dip in and out. Be sure to read My Little Mecha which Shellie wrote, especially if you are currently home-schooling.
Stuart Aken has all six of his titles listed on the site downloadable for free until 19th April. Scroll down his Profile page for direct links. There’s a choice of erotic romance, heart-warming romance, speculative fiction, humour, dark crime, and for those with a family member suffering from ME/Chronic Fatigue, his own ten-year experiences complete with helpful information.
All authors have other titles available, on Amazon and other retail sites, for prices as low as 99p/99c, not listed here. Check the links to individual authorpages below the header.
We wish our readers many hours of immersive reading as a much needed diversion from the sombre reality of current day-to-day life.
Stay safe. Keep your distance from others, and wash your hands. It’s the least we can do to alleviate the pressure on our health services, no matter where in the world we live.
Friday, 28 February 2020
Fatigue? Burnout? Worse?
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The Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck controlling our metabolism. |
Friday, 14 February 2020
Charity anthology for Australia
Anthologies, especially those that appear in print, can take up to a year from submissions to publication. Not in this case, thanks to a remarkable team effort by authors and other staff at my American publisher.
Madeleine McDonald
Friday, 24 January 2020
A Conference for the Indie Author

Friday, 17 January 2020
Looking back over beginnings
Friday, 10 January 2020
Busted! Penny Grubb’s Life of Crime
The first 3 books in the Annie Raymond mystery series have been rerelease as a trilogy, Falling Into Crime.
Saturday, 4 January 2020
Hone Writing Skills Via Entering Competitions

So what's stopping you?
If you've come to this post by chance and for ease would like more from Hornsea Writers delivered direct to your Inbox, add your e-address to the box at the top of the column. We promise you won't be inundated with daily emails.
Wednesday, 1 January 2020
Happy New Year!