Monday 26 May 2014

Writers' Reveal

Today on her blog, April Taylor gives an insight into her writing world.

And today is also LAUNCH DAY for the first book in The Tudor Enigma, published by Carina Press.

Court of Conspiracy details the fight to save the life of young Henry IX, son of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn from an evil sorcerer's plot.

To read more, go to The Luke Ballard Elemancer Blogspot, where you will find details of how to buy Court of Conspiracy.

Taste of Treason, Book 2 in The Tudor Enigma will be released in October 2014.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Four Days to LAUNCH DAY!

On May 26th April Taylor's first book in The Tudor Enigma series will be released.

 Court of Conspiracy  tells the what-if story of Anne Boleyn's son, successor to Henry VIII and now sitting on the throne of England. But, he is young, untried and surrounded by enemies who will stop at nothing to kill him and restore the realm to the Catholic fold of the Pope.

Anne's only hope lies with the unassuming apothecary in the Outer Green of Hampton Court Palace. Luke Ballard is not just an apothecary, but an elemancer, sworn to use his magic skills for the good of the Tudors and England.

To find out more watch the video -

Court of Conspiracy. Available from

Carina Press - - -
Barnes & Noble -

To find out more about April Taylor, link with her on Facebook:

Follow her on Twitter:

Sunday 18 May 2014

Writer's Reveal

Members of Hornsea Writers continue to reveal themselves... in the best possible taste.

Stuart Aken talks about his marathon edit of A Seared Sky and the mood and distraction music he listens to while he's writing.

Penny Grubb explains how she both writes on trains and gains more than a couple of ideas from oddball fellow passengers.

Friday 2 May 2014

Writers Have Two Heads

Well you would think so from the side-long looks we often get, which is one of the reasons writers tend to band together. Sometimes it’s for understanding, sometimes for learning, sometimes for career networking. Always it is for mutual support. This is Hornsea Writers in a nutshell.

On 26th May member April Taylor has her first novel with Carina Press launched into the world. Today the group embarks on a weekly Writer’s Reveal which during the intervening period will lead to a look inside April's second head.

But today it is the turn of Linda Acaster, who on 9th May will be handing over to member Stuart Aken, and also outsider VM Jaskiernia. Both write Fantasy, but very different types. Catch their bios and links on Linda Acaster’s 'Writer's Reveal' post.