Wednesday, 26 February 2014

A long slog, but we're almost there

"Court of Conspiracy" the first book in the Tudor Enigma series is scheduled for publication - digital only at first - on May 26th 2014.

It began life in 2010 as a fun project based on one phrase - Henry's black-eyed boy - and one 'what-if'. What if the child Anne Boleyn miscarried in 1534 had been brought to term and born healthy?

Late in 2010, I sent the raw manuscript to Marlene Stringer of the Stringer Literary Agency in Naples, Florida. Within four days I had her acceptance. Luckily for me, Marlene hates the word 'no' because it wasn't until mid 2013 that Carina Press offered a 3 book deal.

My editor at CP, Kerri Buckley, has been incredible. She picked up anomalies, contradictions, fuzzy writing and, in short, made me think about every word I had written. The editing process has taken almost three months, but the book has just gone to Production. Now I can't wait to see the cover.

If you like your history spiced up with make-believe, magic and mystery thrown in, then put 26th May 2014 in your diary and save up $2.99.

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