Saturday, 4 February 2017

Visibility: Author Interviews

As any author will know, visibility is the biggest mountain to climb. We have our websites, some authors contribute to a group blog – as do members of Hornsea Writers – but drawing people in to view on a regular basis can prove difficult. What is required is interesting content.  

The mismatch here is that it can take a year or more to write a novel, and there are only so many research niches to draw on for subject matter. How best to ring the changes?

Offering author interviews on a regular basis can be a win-win opportunity. The host site has regular new content, participants can chat about their latest work, and when both highlight the post among their social media contacts, new readers are drawn to each.

In the past few weeks several members of Hornsea Writers have participated in author interviews:
  • Stuart Aken reveals secrets of his writing craft to
  • Linda Acaster chats about her myth and mayhem writing to Library of Erana
  • April Taylor talks about her inheritance books to Rhoda Baxter

Go take a look. Perhaps your writing, or your blog, could benefit from something similar. In the spirit of giving our Visibility windows a spring clean, it’s an idea to consider.

Image courtesy of PublicDomainPictures via under CC0 Licence 

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