Saturday, 3 December 2016

Have You Got Your Copy Yet?

When readers react like this, the book must really be good:

From Glen Donaldson on Goodreads:
Enjoyed? I positively feasted on this book!
Move over Isaac Asimov.
Stand aside Arthur C. Clarke.
Tip your hat Frank Herbert.
There’s a new voice and a quite robust imagination lighting up the sci-fi literary cosmos; and one that speaks with a mythically crisp British accent. (read the whole review here)

Cary Grossman rated it 5 Stars. It was amazing.
In Blood Red Dust, Stuart Aken skilfully creates a sobering view of Earth's last days, as reported by the first colonists of Mars. His Orwellian description of an environmentally uninhabitable Earth sounds chillingly prophetic… (read the entire review here)

These comments are from reviews of Stuart Aken’s new novel, Blood Red Dust, which was launched at Fantasticon 2016 on 19th November. The publisher’s stock ran out over that weekend, but more books are now available. 

You can get a copy direct from Fantastic Books Publishing, here. Or, from your local Amazon store, here. It’s also available through most retail booksellers.

What’s it about?

As people struggle to survive in an increasingly hostile climate on Earth, plans are afoot for the preservation of the human race. Mars, already occupied by commercial mining interests, is the only viable option. The Chosen are sent to colonise the new world and germinate the seeds of their new Utopia. But dark forces not only want to halt the plan, they want to see the end of all human life, everywhere. If mankind survives the divinely inspired crusade of death from dogma-driven martyrs, will The Chosen’s new Utopia be the real route to salvation?

As Stuart Aken would say, ‘Enjoy the read’.

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