Sunday, 9 April 2017

Networking at Events

Joy Gelsthorpe & Madeleine McDonald
Is it useful giving up your writing time to network at events by manning a table? The short answer is yes, because you never know where it might lead.

Today Hornsea Writers waved the flag at the town's annual Meet the Group event, held to give residents and the first of the holidaymakers an idea of what's on offer locally. With an A5 handout and a selection of book promotional postcards, three members were in attendance to talk about our display of titles and how the group operates, all with a view to recruiting more members.

Did we? Possibly two. What we did do was encourage a couple of ...I've always wanted to... with practical advice, as well as discuss publishing strategies with a lady whose relative is writing an health-issue self-help book. It's always good to pass on experience and see a shining eye overcome a long-held belief that authors are born a breed apart.

We also sold three books, which wasn't the priority but we never turn down an opportunity. Contacts at two local papers wanted the group's details with an eye to doing features on us, and a member of Hornsea Carnival Committee sounded us out for a table in its creative endeavours marquee, and also to offer a chat & readings evening in conjunction with the local library as part of the Hull City of Culture year celebrations.

Was it worth manning a table for a few hours on a sunny day in April? You tell us. The phrase tip of the iceberg comes to mind.

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