Saturday, 24 September 2016

Hornsea Writers circumnavigate the globe

The name and work of Hornsea Writers spreads far and wide. An anthology featuring Stuart Aken as an invited contributor is currently at number 2 in a list of recommended reads in St Kilda Library, one of the biggest and most popular in Melbourne, Australia.

The science-fiction anthology, Synthesis, was read and enjoyed by Robert Llewellyn – Red Dwarf’s Kryten – who wrote a foreword to the collection whilst filming on the latest series, set to air this autumn.

The anthology spans the range from hard science-fiction to the edge of fantasy. As well as our own Stuart Aken, it includes gems from master of the surreal, Boris Glickman, and virtuoso of the space adventure, Drew Wagar.

You can get your own copy of Synthesis HERE

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