Thursday, 25 August 2016

Exclusive Elite: Dangerous artwork? I have a premonition

Here’s a trick to net yourself some exclusive artwork. The FantastiCon2016 Kickstarter already gives exclusive digital wallpaper for its minimum pledge but if you follow this dodge, you will also net some Elite: Dangerous exclusive high-quality artwork (you’ll have to throw £1 into the Back-This-Project pot if you haven’t already pledged). Simply go to the comments section on THIS LINK  and add a comment that contains the phrase “I have a premonition”.

That automatically adds you to the recipients of Sci-Fi legend Drew Wagar’s Reclamation artwork, exclusive to those who add exactly that phrase to the comments section. You’ll see several comments on there already that simply say, “I have a premonition”. More detail on the artwork and its origins HERE.

Why is this relevant to the Hornsea Writers? Because if you go a step further and buy a ticket, we would be delighted to meet you at the convention. Several of us along with Royd Tolkien (JRR’s great grandson) will be there celebrating the written word. And if books are not your bag, there will a plethora of attractions on show – Daleks, Darth Vader, interactive gaming, Nerf Wars, shows, live music, free soft drinks and biscuits and all manner of wonderful things.

Saturday and Sunday 19th and 20th November 2016 at the Guildhall in Hull.
Looking forward to seeing you there.

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