Sunday, 17 April 2016

Marketing - In Person

Linda Acaster, Madeleine McDonald & Penny Grubb
Karen Wolfe holding the iPhone
Most marketing and promotion is done online these days, but when an opportunity is offered for a more personal approach members believe it should be grasped with both hands. 

Such was today's event in Hornsea aimed at highlighting the diverse groups and societies the town has to offer - and the hall was filled to overflowing.

Taking it in turns to man our table, we chatted to attendees, discussed writing and reading, sold paperbacks, acquired a couple of prospective members, gave out lots of book postcards and flyers - titles/summary, website & Facebook details to the fore - and we networked

The value of networking at events such as this cannot be underestimated. Other societies meet regularly and many are eager for new speakers. Seeing us and our books in person created an immediate bond. Contact details were duly exchanged and every side wins.

Are there similar events in your neck of the woods? Do not let them pass by. You never know what seeds might be sown.

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