Friday, 26 May 2023

Hornsea Writer, Linda Acaster, On Writing

Give me a 3-word summary of what you will be doing, writing-wise, in the coming year.

Pivoting my focus.

Tell me more:

For years I’ve been a writer of novels which needed a great amount of research and planning. While they’ve brought me much satisfaction, they are definitely a long haul job.

By chance I came upon novellas, dipping my toe into the Chiller genre with Scent of the Böggel-Mann and The Paintings, and found the length better suits the demands of my current lifestyle. I’ve a couple of Historical novellas to finish, and I’m looking for a subject and genre I’d enjoy carrying into a series.

I’m also concentrating more time on content-writing for Medium, a digital platform which hosts a multitude of niche publications. The aim is to launch a couple of my own. Through years of research and novel-writing, I’ve a wealth of information to share.

Tell me about a writing-related event from last year

I created my first decent ebook cover for the Psychological Mystery The Forever House, launched during early summer, but overlooked the “bleeds” necessary for a paperback edition – LOL! After an initial horrified shriek, I turned to YouTube to immerse myself in a crash course on photo-manipulation, and realised I enjoyed the challenge. The attention to detail is very reminiscent of that needed when writing fiction.

Learn more about Linda here.

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