Saturday 10 June 2017

So many little time!

I began 2017 with the determination to publish four books by Christmas, plus a seasonal short for my soprano detective, Georgia Pattison. To make life more difficult, I also decided I wanted to take the summer months off. In order to do this, I knew I had to get three of them out before the much anticipated holiday in Rhodes. And I did. Just.

If I say it has been an experience I do not want to repeat, that may be too dogmatic. Perhaps that should be amended to I need to plan more effectively if I do this again. Why did I think it wouldn't be such a horror? Because I knew the second full-length Georgia Laid In Earth was already written and just (just!!) needed editing, ditto the revamped Sherlock Holmes & The Oakwood Grange Affair. 

I also had 55,000 words of a standalone crime thriller already in the bag - raw, yes, but there. The objective looked achievable. Until I came to actually work on The Angel Killer. And that is where the trouble really began.
To read more go to:

During the process of turning The Angel Killer into something that could be published, I seriously thought about having a cardboard cutout of me put in the sitting room downstairs so that my husband would remember what I looked like. It didn't matter what the weather was, I was in the office gazing at the screen, concentrating to an insane degree and exercising my fingers on the keyboard.

So now I am enjoying my summer break. I intend to begin work again in September and between then and Christmas write the Georgia short The Bleak Midwinter and the first of the Gethin Wilde Chronicles, working title Caught Between Loyalties. I shall spend the next couple of months enjoying the house and garden, playing with the dog, going out for days and generally doing what normal people do!!

You can read more about April Taylor here:

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