Sunday, 22 November 2015

#eBook Marketing Doldrums?

Lone indie author or within a publishing house's stable, authors have to promote their own titles and market their own brand-names. Pick up a pen and it comes with the territory. 

It is also easy to take one's eye from the bouncing ball. Let's be honest, life happens. 

After an unexpected lay-off, Linda Acaster is ready to upload a Supernatural Suspense... into a bit of a vacuum. Join her on her website as she considers the dilemma, and plans her way to a resolution.


  1. Glad to hear it's all systems go again, Linda.

    1. Hello, Frances. Thanks for responding; it's good to hear from you. I won't say it is quite 'all systems go' of the Thunderbirds type - LOL! - but I am definitely straightening my sash and taking my seat, strings taut [cue rousing music...].


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