Saturday, 11 October 2014

Celebrating 'Books Are My Bag' #BAMB #BookADayUK

Today in the UK is ‘Event Day’ for Books Are My Bag, raising the profile of both books and bookshops. Over the past few weeks celebrities up and down the country have been posing with their favourite book and the distinctive BAMB bag. As you can see, Hornsea Writers has been doing its bit. And that’s not even all the books members have had published.

If you prefer to talk books from the comfort of your home, or pub, or commute, catch the Twitter feed via #BookADayUK. It’s been running since the beginning of the month with a new theme posted daily.

Linda Acaster and Stuart Aken have taken up the gauntlet and throughout the month are blogging in and around the given themes. Follow their name-links for samples.

But why just read? Why not add your two penn’th to the Twitter feed via its hashtag? Or your four penn’th by blogging about your favourite book. You never know where it might lead.

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