Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Rapids and White Water: April Taylor

In the past six months, I have edited two books and written a third. I am tired but triumphant. When I joined Hornsea Writers, my only wish was to be good enough to land a publishing contract. I never thought I would ever say that writing the book is the easy bit!

However, I sit writing this in the knowledge that all three books for my contract with Carina Press are written. The first Court of Conspiracy has just been sent back at the line edits stage and I hope for a few days rest, or I might just start planning No 4. The real news is that I now have dates for publication. So hold on to your hats, folks.

Court of Conspiracy - Book One in The Tudor Enigma Series - will be published on May 27th 2014.

Taste of Treason - Book Two in The Tudor Enigma Series -  coming in October 2014.

Croaking of Ravens - Book Three in The Tudor Enigma Series -  coming in February 2015.


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